Engineering, five years in

Posted on Friday August 05, 2022
Category: Society

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We have done so much, yet we have so much to do

Remember five years ago, when I was about to get my engineering degree? Well those five years flew by and I feel like I made significant progress from that time, yet I’m humbled that there is still so much to learn.

What happened those last five years? I went from dev to Cloud engineer. This allowed me to oversee the complete product development spectrum and stretch the legs of my knowledge. I created new things and participated in old ones. I have faced legacy and teams fearing it.

The world moves faster

The line of thinking behind most problematic decisions has started to crack. Why we let technical debt creep in, why we hire external consultants, why work can grind to a halt, why teams are not into practices, why projects overrun budgets by astronomical factors.

The very first thing I noticed is how software is chaotic and how organizing that chaos is difficult. This results in few strategies:

Our platforms are fresh, still we do make the same mistakes by assuming that they are based on ancient tech therefore we should use ancient ways.

“Cloud you say? I only use their equivalent of my virtual machines! Now could you instruct me on how to connect my router-firewall appliance to the Cloud?”

Legacy is everywhere, we deal with it every day. Code is legacy, infrastructure is legacy, deployments are legacy. And every engineer and technician has to deal with legacy. Most of those people do not even have documentation or comments or well crafted code. Everything is just lying around waiting to be fixed, decommissioned, SaaS-ified.

So what are we doing to address that? On the Cloud side, there are good news: the web application tier pattern is generally accepted and is so common that offerings cover it. Just have a look around: Vercel, DigitalOcean,, Netlify. All of these solutions deploy common application architectures, and you could even argue that your Kubernetes clusters do that and so much more automagically. It is just the beginning of this infrastructure golden era and I love it!

On the development side, there are good news too! Our frameworks get more done out of the box, and we have started to accept the way apps should be built: a static frontend and an API backend with an OAuth2 authorization layer managed by a service that implements authentication once and for all. Ten years ago, we had to spend so many days developing sign up and login modules, forms and whatnot on every project.

A bit of this

So is this all? What learnings do we extract, and what does it tell about the next five years? First, there is a realization to be made about how not everything is solvable through technology. This becomes abundantly clear when we look at the trajectory our Earth is taking following our collective impact. Technology plays a minor role behind how we the people organize.

Technology-wise we’ll still websites and applications that take data from one end to the other. It stands to reason that we could use this opportunity to build sustainably, can’t we? We should not wait on the magical framework that will put everyone on the same page.

The most complex thing to do is accepting change and that we don’t need that many nice things around. We don’t need to renew devices every three years, we don’t need to add features that nobody asked for just because, we can afford to slow down and refine our existing apps well beyond diminishing returns. We must cherish maintenance!