Recent articles

Here are the most recent articles of this blog. They grow up so fast.

Self-service FaaS infrastructure with Terraform

Posted Monday October 28, 2019

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. On Serverless, FaaS and Infrastructure as Code It has been a few years now that Serverless as a concept changed the shape of our Clouds. What started off as a logical step, a new tool after the advent of container technologies became a subject in and of itself. However, let us define a boundary first: this post will be concentrating on a major domain of Serverless which is the Function as a Service, also known as FaaS. The title...

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Well, the migration went well!

Posted Wednesday August 22, 2018

Words of notice: This is a slightly edited repost from an article I published on my previous blog. A view into a real life story of a complete migration When I joined the company, they maintained a Content Management System shared by hundreds of different websites. Its I/O was massive and it was frustrating for end users and the team of project managers to the point it felt almost unusable. The code was legacy and still is today. Nobody had sufficient knowledge or technical ownership, they lost a tech lead and the documentation was nowhere to be seen. Not so...

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Please don’t default to... JavaScript

Posted Friday April 27, 2018

Words of notice: This is a slightly edited repost from an article I published on my previous blog. At the very beginning, there was nothing… …And then, there was the web. Not the one you know and love, though. A web of pure and structured information. Where the only purpose was to share data across the world. Raw data became soon not enough. The act of sharing needed to become personal and interactive. We wanted users to experience and experiment. We needed a new language that implements new ideas to make it simple to learn and that completes its companions...

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Please don’t default to... jQuery

Posted Saturday February 10, 2018

Words of notice: This is a slightly edited repost from an article I published on my previous blog. The official jQuery Logo It’s not you, it’s me. A bit of history When I was a student in Computer Science, one of my teachers told the class that achieving something as complete and optimized as the STL for C++ would take an entire career of engineering efforts and that we should not even get started. I chose to keep in mind that these works are never the result of the passion of a single person but rather a global move in...

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Engineering, seen by a newcomer

Posted Tuesday July 18, 2017

Words of notice: This is a slightly edited repost from an article I published on my previous blog. In three months, I will be a web engineer… After decades of computer science advances, there still have hurdles to overcome to make the field move forward. The future for engineers of all domains has never been so bright but it would be inadvisable to fret; it is not always what one might expect.

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