Recent articles

Here are the most recent articles of this blog. They grow up so fast.

Block storage in AWS: Dawn of a new generation

Posted Friday December 18, 2020

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. Throughout their services, AWS uses a special type of sharding called “Shuffle sharding” to virtually isolate each customer while colocating their resources. The most visible example, the one mentioned in the Amazon Builders’ Library, concerns Route 53 and how each DNS zone gets assigned four of the 2048 virtual shards created by AWS for the service. There are 700B+ possible combinations of those shards and the number of combinations grows exponentially with the number of virtual shards and the...

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Amazon S3: Consistency gets Strong

Posted Sunday December 13, 2020

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. There are many different storage types in the wild and they each have specifics that make them suitable for defined sets of use cases. Regardless of the scale, storage poses challenging issues. For instance Brewer’s theorem, also known as the CAP theorem, states that designing distributed data stores requires trade-offs. Simply put, in case of a write failure on a storage system due to internal network conditions, would it be preferable to drop the operation or to attempt to...

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AWS Proton: A DevOps delight

Posted Wednesday December 02, 2020

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. The right architecture for the right need Over the last few years, we have observed a steady growth of compute-layer services that natively integrate cost-efficiency, operational excellence, performance, security and reliability. These services are the same that development teams leverage in order to spend more time on their products and less time tweaking infrastructure and connecting pipes. Among these services are AWS Lambda, AWS Fargate and its companion services AWS ECS and AWS EKS.

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macOS on EC2: the Apple ecosystem joins the party

Posted Tuesday December 01, 2020

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. A niche market? We live in a hyper-connected world, composed of a large majority of highly portable devices including smartphones, tablets and laptops. New devices open up new opportunities: smartwatches, smartglasses and smart TVs. All these high-tech components of our daily lives are smart because they do more that their main purpose which is to telephone, send messages, tell time or stream your favorite shows; they allow you to program or use their potential through the means of apps....

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If you create knowledge, do it for free

Posted Monday November 02, 2020

Walled gardens and pretty flowers I suppose I have been one of these numerous people to sport a Medium blog back in the day. I am not too proud about it since I am an avid consumer of blog posts and subject to more and more of Medium’s limitations. You surely have seen those too, around the corner of a React post or a rant about some hyped technology. I am here talking about pay-to-read and other fantasies.

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And so I started using an Ad Blocker

Posted Wednesday June 03, 2020

Edit (14th of July 2020): Allow rules in uBlock Origin’s Dynamic Filtering feature have been hidden1 due to them being misunderstood by the user base. This article has been updated accordingly. Bad feelings and feeling bad I will openly admit something: I always go above and beyond to reduce the amount of telemetry that gets sent to various providers. While I am on the topic of confessions, I also strive to make my devices more performant. So you will not be surprised when I tell you that I believe we can find performance in minimalism; we send and receive a...

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AWS Competency Program: a focus on excellence

Posted Wednesday December 04, 2019

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. Gekko @ re:Invent 2019 – Wednesday, December 4rd of 2019 The program As an organization, possessing an AWS Competency means being able to prove your expertise in a specific field. It means becoming a partner of choice for companies that would like to rely on AWS to meet their expectations. It means showing creativity in solving the most complex problems, those for which there is no answer yet. It means being officially recognized by AWS for these reasons, standing...

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Amazon CodeGuru: quality before all else

Posted Tuesday December 03, 2019

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. Gekko @ re:Invent 2019 – Tuesday, December 3rd of 2019 An artistic blur of quality The notion of code quality is paradoxically one of the elements that divide development teams, but which nevertheless exposes fundamental notions that have been anchored for decades in the field. At the turn of a conversation between followers of Software Craftsmanship, we can hear about technical debt, dead code elimination or, for the most subtle, cyclomatic complexity. Developing a service requires writing code. Every...

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EC2 Image builder: building EC2 AMIs the AWS way

Posted Monday December 02, 2019

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. Gekko @ re:Invent 2019 – Monday, December 2nd of 2019 The issue with image building Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2 is one of the AWS top services. Its scope in terms of covered needs is immense and grows constantly with the introduction of new variants of operating systems, services and additional hardware. When a service is that ubiquitous, it becomes a standard and naturally forms its ecosystem. Today, this new feature concerns one of the weakest links of...

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I was present at BDX I/O 2019, what about you?

Posted Tuesday November 26, 2019

Words of notice: This is an article I wrote for Gekko. Many thanks for their consent to sharing this story here. The Bordeaux Developer Experience stylized logo In Bordeaux, November the 15th of 2019 was not a rough day. The weather was usual for the season, grayish and not too cold. What was not usual was that November the 15th of 2019 was also the 6th edition of the Bordeaux Developer Experience and for the first time, Gekko was a partner of the event and our team was holding a stand there. Freshly arrived at the Bordeaux Convention Center at...

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